Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Free Hermie Games and Coloring Pages

Some of you may be fans of the children's dvd series Hermie & Friends by Max Lucado. My kids have a few of the dvds. I like the videos because they're clean, entertaining, and provide a positive message for children. I confess that I usually purchase our dvds when they are $5 at Lifeway and Family Christian.

This year, Lifeway is celebrating Hermie with "The Year of the Worm". Each month, they're featuring a Hermie & Friends dvd at 50% off the regular price. This month, it’s Stanley the Stinkbug Goes to Camp, a fun and hilarious tale on friendship God’s way. Right now, the dvd is on sale for $7.49.

A lesson in personal hygiene? No way! This is the animated story of Hermie and his friends at Camp Bug-A-Boo. All is well until Stanley the Stinkbug arrives and, boy does he stink! Follow along in this lesson about friendship to help your kids understand that God makes each of us unique and for a purpose.

Lifeway also has free Hermie games and coloring pages on their site. Be sure to bookmark the site. I know you'll need lots of things to keep your children busy this summer. These would also be great for children's church, VBS, or a birthday party.


image from lifeway


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Match it! Rhyming Game

My daughter is in kindergarten and although she is very intelligent, she seems to struggle with rhyming words. While I at Marshall's this weekend, I found a matching game for rhyming words by The Learning Journey. At Marshall's the game was a great price at just $4.99! I got it for her and tonight we played the game together. Hopefully this will help her with the concept of rhyming words.

This game can also be purchased at The Learning Journey website. Unfortunately though, you'll pay a lot more for it at $10.99. Still, it's a great game.

image from The Learning Journey website


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Poor Kitty Game

Students sit down in a circle. One student is chosen to be the kitty. The student goes around the circle and chooses someone. That person has to look at the kitty and say "Poor Kitty" three times while patting the kitty on the head. If the person laughs then that person becomes the kitty.

Of couse, you can change the phrases if you'd like. You may want to try, "What a cute kitty" or "Don't cry kitty".

This game can be played indoors or outdoors and it does not require any expensive equipment. Hooray!


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Making Your Own Games

I was decluttering today and came across this homonyms matching game I made when I was teaching. Here's what I did:

  • took a worksheet with homonyms on them
  • blew up the pictures on the copier
  • colored and cut out the pictures
  • to make them sturdier I glued the pictures to construction paper
  • laminated them

This was so easy. You could do this with numbers, sight words, animals, etc. It's easy to make your own games. Don't forget to store these in a clear plastic baggie and to label the baggie.

I hope this tip helps inspired you. Have fun!


Friday, November 9, 2007

Sesame Street Website

I found the Sesame Street website today. Perhaps you've known about it and I'm just now getting a clue. lol Anyway, the site looks great!

This Potty Time Game will be good for my 2-year-old. He wants to be potty trained, but gets stubborn sometimes. Maybe this will give him the encouragement he needs.

Check out their games, stories, art, music, mail, and Elmo's World. They also have a parent's section.



Friday, October 19, 2007

Fun-Filled Friday: Short & Sweet

I'm sorry, but this Fun-Filled Friday post will be short. We've had a rough few days. My 4 year-old daughter started feeling sick this week. First it started with a runny nose and then a squeaky voice. Next came the coughing and waking up numerous times during the night. We've had a few restless nights. Last night was the worst. I took her to the doctor today and they put her on a neubulizer. Thankfully, we already have a machine and medicine from my son. The doctor never really said what was wrong, but from what I gathered, I'm thinking it was a cold that quickly developed into croup.

I'm leaving in less than 2 hours for a weekend missions trip with the youth from our church. Before I go, I'll leave you with this link for Noggin. There are cute videos to watch and my daughter really enjoys the doodlepad. This is one of my favorite sites. It can keep you busy for hours.

Well, I better get. I have a ton of stuff to do in a short amount of time. Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This is Daniel Cook

I found this cute, ok cool website today for preschool aged children. It's about this little boy named Daniel Cook. You click on different things and navigate what he does. I played with the game for a few minutes. I took him outside and built a water slide for him for the pool. Then I let him go down the slide and play in the pool.

Here's what the website has to say: puts preschoolers in control with bright symbols, spoken instructions and stimulating games and activities. Featuring an animated version of the real Daniel Cook, the site is built around "This is Daniel Cook's playroom" a warm, friendly, virtual room that maintains a messy and creatively inspiring space for preschoolers.

The playroom is filled with colourful objects -- toys, posters, art,
musical instruments -- all from Daniel Cook's adventures. Each one of these
objects launches a game or is a game itself within the playroom.

I hope you'll enjoy This is Daniel Cook.


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Duck, Duck, Goose

Looking for a game to play with your preschoolers? Don't forget about an old favorite - Duck, Duck, Goose.

Duck, Duck, Goose
Ages 2 to 4
Also known as: Goose, Goose, Gander; Duck, Duck, Grey Duck; The Mush Pot; Peske (in the Czech Republic); Antoakyire (in Ghana)

Number of participants: Five or more

Length of time: As long as the kids are able to play, the game can continue

Background: This early version of Tag is especially good for younger children because there are only two kids running at the same time, preventing accidents and confusion.

Rules of the game:
First, choose one person to be It. Sit the kids down cross-legged in a circle facing each other. It walks around the outside of the circle, tapping each person on the head and labeling most of them Ducks. As soon as It taps a child and calls him a Goose, this player must get up and chase It around the circle. It has to try to get into the Goose's spot before that player tags him. If It does, then the goose becomes It and the game starts over. If the Goose tags It before he makes it safely onto the Goose's former spot, It must sit in the middle of the circle, called the mush pot, and the Goose becomes It in the next round. The child in the mush pot must stay there until another person is unfortunate enough to get caught. Then they trade places and the one in the mush pot can return to the circle while the other player takes his place.

Other ways to play it:
Not all games of Duck, Duck, Goose have a mush pot. In an alternate version, It simply stays It if he's caught, and the Goose returns to the circle.

source - babycenter


Friday, August 31, 2007

Fun-Filled Friday

Thanks to Revka for this week's links.

Hot Dog Train - Creative Alternative for Your Toddler - What a neat idea for getting your kids to eat things they wouldn't normally eat. My kids won't eat carrots, so I would use carrots for the wheels of the train. If your kids won't eat pineapple, then you could try using pineapple instead of cheese between the cars. Cute!

Rock Candy Recipe - Of course, this is a recipe for rock candy. I would have never dreamed you could make it this way. I've made rock candy once before, but it was a time consuming task of boiling stuff and using a candy thermometer. This way looks much easier!

Home Made Finger Paint Recipe - We're at Busy Mom's site again for a finger paint recipe. Easy and thrifty . . . two of my favorite things!

Ideas for Family Game Nights - - Perfect for family fun night or a way to break a day of boredom. Be sure to bookmark this for those cold, wintery days.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Play Statetris

I know this blog is geared towards preschoolers, but I my husband sent me this link and I couldn't help but share it with you. The game is Statetris and basically the states fall from the top (like blocks would with Tetris) and you place them in the correct spot. You can also play Africa, Europe, France, and more.