Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving People Craft

While walking down the halls at school I spotted these Thanksgiving people that the kindergarten children had made. Aren't they cute?

The body of the people is a Zoopal plate. They painted the plates with skin and hair and attached an acorn for the nose. Next came the smiles, hats or head dressing, fingers, and wiggle eyes.

Other ideas you might like:
Thanksgiving place mat
Thanksgiving turkey craft
Thankful tree

Do you have any cute Thanksgiving crafts to share?


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Apple Activities

I was doing some cleaning today and found these cute apple activities from kindergarten class. Enjoy!

Apple basket - This is a cute introduction to number sentences and color words.

Apple people - This is simply an apple with black crinkled arms and legs.

Apple trees - Every kid loves to paint. :)

Torn Paper Apples - Tearing paper is good exercise for little fingers. Have students cover an apple you've drawn or copied. Encourage them to make a layered look.

What kinds of fall activities have you enjoyed?


Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Pumpkin Parable

My kids brought treat bags home from church Wednesday. Inside was a die cut paper pumpkin with a pumpkin parable on it. I know it's last minute, but I thought some of you might want to make these for tonight's trick-or-treaters.

A Pumpkin Parable

Sometimes I feel like I'm a pumpkin. Please don't think it's odd.
I'm growing in a pumpkin patch that's planted there by God.

God picks me from the pumpkin patch and washes off the dirt;
Scoops out the seeds of sin and hate and anger, greed and hurt.

And then, to show how much I'm loved, God marks me with a sign
And opens up my eyes and mouth: all part of God's design.

Then filled with love God sets me out for everyone to see,
So all the pumpkins in the patch can see God's light through me.

You are the light of the world.
Matthew 5:14



Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Christian Pumpkin Carvings

Cuddlebug brought this home from preschool today so I thought I'd share this for Halloween.

You'll need:
orange pumpkin with poem on 11x14 paper
two yellow stars for eyes
yellow cross for nose
yellow fish for mouth

Here's the poem:

Christian Pumpkin Carvings

I am a Jack O Lantern
My light will shine so bright
For I am a Christian pumpkin
My symbols tell what's right

My nose is like the cross
On which the Savior died,
To set us free from sin
We need no longer hide.

My mouth is like a fish
The whole wide world to show,
That Christians live in this house
And love their Savior so!

The story starts at Christmas
My eyes are like the star,
That shone on Baby Jesus
And wise men saw from afar.

My color is orange
Just like the bright sun,
That rose on Easter Day
Along with God's own Son.

And so on Halloween
Let's set our pumpkins out,
And tell the trick or treaters
What God's love is all about!

~Author unknown


Friday, November 16, 2007

Fun-Filled Friday Part 2: Happy Thanksgiving!

Just as I had hoped, here is Part 2 of Fun-Filled Friday. Hope you enjoy all these ideas. Be sure to check back later throughout the week. I'm hoping to have more Thanksgiving ideas for you.

1) Thankful Tree

Isn't this Thankful Tree cute? I found this idea over at Boasting in My Weakness. To get started, you'll need a tree. (You can make one from brown posterboard, construction paper, felt, etc. You could also use a branch placed in a flower pot and then hang the leaves on the tree.) Then you'll need to cut out some leaves of different fall colors. Ask your family, "What are you most thankful to God for?" Then write each family member's response on a leaf and stick it to the tree. Repeat this daily until Thanksgiving. You can read them all on Thanksgiving day.

It is important for us to learn to be thankful for what we have. Being thankful helps us learn to be content and happy, no matter our circumstances.

2) Thanksgiving Scripture Place Cards

Boasting in My Weakness also has an idea for scripture place cards. Your kids could help decorate these with glitter, stickers, etc.

3) Thanksgiving Coloring Pages

Printables for Kids has free Thanksgiving coloring pages.

Have fun!


Fun-Filled Friday Part 1: Fall Songs

I feel badly that I haven't put more time into giving you ideas. When I was teaching, I had ideas constantly flowing through my head. I was in the teaching mode. Now that I'm staying home, I'm having to do more searching. I did some digging in the basement today and found some of the songs we used to sing for fall and Thanksgiving. Sorry, I have no idea where these came from or I would give proper credit. As you can see, I have labeled this Fun-Filled Friday Part 1. I hope to post more ideas today.

Hello Mr. Turkey
tune of If You're Happy and You Know It

Hello, Mr. Turkey, how are you?
Hello, Mr. Turkey, how are you?
With a gobble, gobble, gobble,
And a wobble, wobble, wobble,
Hello, Mr. Turkey, how are you?

Gobbly, Wobbly, Turkeys
tune of Ten Little Indians

One little, two little, three little turkeys,
Gobbly, wobbly, bobbly turkeys,
hurry, scurry, worry turkeys,
It's Thanksgiving Day!

Thank you, Thank you, This We Say
tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Thank you for the earth and sky. (Form circle with fingertips; then point to sky.)
Thank you for the birds that fly. (Flap arms.)
Thank you for the food we grow. (Cup hands together; then slide one arm upward as if to grow.)
Thank you for the streams that flow. (Flutter fingers as hands move to side)
Thank you, thank you this we say. (Point to lips.)
Thanks for all we have today! (Spread arms out wide.)

Gobble, Gobble
tune of Pop! Goes the Weasel

A turkey is a funny bird.
His head goes wobble, wobble.
He knows just one funny word-
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble.

Leaves are Falling
tune of Jingle Bells

Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
One fell on my nose

Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
One fell on my toes.

Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
One fell on my head.

Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
Yellow, orange, and red.


Friday, November 9, 2007

Fun-Filled Friday: Thanksgiving Ideas

It's hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. I'm sure some of you are already looking for Thanksgiving arts & crafts ideas, so here are some to inspire you and get you started.

Thankful Pumpkins

For each pumpkin, cut out the inside portion of a large paper plate. Paint the remaining rim orange. Cut a white construction paper circle a little bit larger than the open area inside the rim; then glue the paper to the back of the rim. Have each child add a green or brown construction paper stem to their pumpkin. Around the top of the orange part of the pumpkin, use a permanent marker to write, "I am thankful for . . .". Then have the child draw and color something to complete the sentence.

Optional: If you have a classroom of pumpkins, you can mount these to a bulletin board and make a vine to go around the pumpkins. You could also change this design and use orange construction paper instead of painting the paper plates.

Rustic vests

My first year teaching preschool, I actually made these for each of my preschoolers. This is before I had children of my own, but still the project took me so long that I was left frazzled and wondering, "What was I thinking?" LOL The children loved their vests and they wore them to the family Thanksgiving dinner at the school. Anyway, on to the project.

You will need 1/2 yard of burlap for each child's vest. Fold the burlap once for an 18-inch square. Cut a v shape in the fold for the neck opening. Then cut from the bottom of the front panel to the bottom of the v-shaped opening. This will be the front of the vest. Pin the sides at least half way up. Using a plastic yarn needle and yarn, sew the sides as pinned and remove the pins. (I chose to sew the sides of the vest myself. My students were 3&4 years old.) Draw a Native American design onto the vest with permanent markers. (Supervision is needed with permanent markers!)

Optional: Using bright colors of yarn, straight stitch over the lines. Finish the vest with additional stitching as desired. (I skipped this step. It was all I could do get enough of these done for everyone. lol) If you have only one child to make this for, then you could try this step (or if you actually have some help).

This idea is from a very old, but still good Mailbox magazine.

More Thanksgiving ideas via link love:


Friday, October 26, 2007

Pumpkin Song

Have You Ever Seen?
by Jean Warren
tune of Did You Ever See a Lassie?

Have you ever seen a pumpkin?
A pumpkin, a pumpkin?
Have you ever seen a pumpkin
That grows big and round?
That grows and grows
And grows and grows.
Have you ever seen a pumpkin
That grows big and round?


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fun-Filled Friday: More Fall Stuff

Hey you all. I'm leaving for Virginia tomorrow to see my buddy Kelly. She co-authors with me at Thrifty Mommy. This week's Fun-Filled Friday is going to be posted a bit early due to our traveling plans.

I did a little digging today and found some activities from when I teaching a 2-year-old preschool class. There are also some things from when my daughter was in a 1-year-old class.

Top picture:
1. There is an orange leaf shape that has been painted, I think with a string. You just dip the string in paint and let the child move the string across the paper.
2. The second is a triangle that is just colored with an orange marker. Previously, I told you about having a color and shape of the month. In October, our shape was a triangle and our color was orange. I actually think this one was something that my daughter did in her 1-year-old class.
3. Last is a fingerpainted pumpkin.

Next picture:

1. A squirrel with cotton glued on his tail. (Supposed to be his tail. lol My daughter was only 1 at the time.) You can also talk to the children about how the squirrels are gathering food for the winter.
2. Another triangle. This one is painted orange. Something else from my daughter's 1-year-old class.

More fall ideas:
1. Ghosts - This one is more for Halloween. You paint the children's hands with white paint and press them on a black piece of paper. The palm of the hand becomes the top of the ghost and the fingers pointing downward are the bottom of the ghost. Glue wiggle eyes on the palm.
2. Watercolor leaves - Trace a leaf pattern onto white paper. Have the children paint the leaf with water color paints. Glue the leaf onto black construction paper.
3. Squirrel - This is a variation of the one shown above. Cut a squirrel out of white construction paper. Let the children color the squirrel grey. Give the children small white squares of tissue paper to glue on the squirrel's tail. Or you can help them wrap the squares around a pencil to make the paper curled and give the tail a more bushy look.

Hope you enjoyed these ideas. There are more fall ideas at Little Fun; Little Learning that have been posted during the last few weeks. I hope you'll stay and lurk around some. :)


Treats Kids Can Make

Better Homes & Gardens has some really cute treats that kids can make. You don't have to be into Halloween to enjoy a lot of these. Some of them would be neat just for fall. Check out the twinkie owl and the cupcake spider. So cute! You could always make the owl for "O Week" or the spider for "S Week". BH&G always has great ideas!


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall Leaf Songs

Here are two common leaf songs. I'm sorry, but I do not know their source. They are cute songs and children really seem to like them. Of course, you can add hand movements too.

The Leaves on the Trees
(tune of The Wheels on the Bus)
The leaves on the trees turn orange and brown, orange and brown, orange and brown.
The leaves on the trees turn orange and brown, all over town.

The leaves on the trees come tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.
The leaves on the trees coming tumbling down, all over town.

The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.
The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish, all over town.

The Leaves are Falling Down
(tune of The Farmer in the Dell)
The leaves are falling down
The leaves are falling down
Red, yellow, green and brown
The leaves are falling down


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fun-Filled Friday: Fall Arts & Crafts

Tanyetta emailed me and asked for fall/nature craft ideas. Here are some that I have used in past years with my preschool classes. The children really seem to enjoy doing these. I hope you enjoy them. If you need help with some ideas or a particular theme, leave a comment and I'll try to help you. :)

Fall Tree

This can be done 2 different ways.
1) Trace child's forearm and hand. Have child color the hand and forearm brown to be the tree trunk and branches. Give the child brown, green, yellow, orange, and red construction paper. Help the child tear the paper into little pieces. Glue the pieces on the tree and on the ground to be the leaves.
2) Paint child's forearm and hand with brown tempera paint. Press the hand and forearm onto the construction paper. This makes the trunk and branches for the tree. Leaves can be made by dipping the child's fingers into different colors of paint (brown, green, yellow, orange, red) and pressing onto the paper.

Fall Collage

1)Take children on a nature walk. Let them collect leaves, gum balls, small twigs, etc. Glue the items onto construction paper.
2) Take children on a nature walk. Collect different types and colors of leaves. Glue them onto construction paper. Label the paper "Leaves are Falling".

Leaf Rubbings

Collect several different types of leaves. Place a leaf on the table and cover it with thin paper. Take a crayon and rub the paper. Use different leaves and colors of crayons.

Leaf People

Collect different types of leaves. Have the children pick out leaves to be the bodies of the people. Glue them onto the paper. Have the children add head, arms, legs, feet, etc to their leaf people.

Golf Ball Leaves

Cut leaf shapes out of construction paper or paper for painting. Put the leaf shapes into a box top (like you would get with a case of copy paper). Dip golf balls or marbles into fall colored paints (using a plastic spoon works well). Put golf balls into the box top and help the child roll the golf balls around, making prints on top of leaf shapes.


Friday, September 28, 2007

Fun-Filled Friday : Fall Theme

Welcome to this week's Fun-Filled Friday. Today the air is cooler, there is a nice breeze, and I have my back door open. As Moose A. Moose from Noggin sings, "I feel like I'm fallin' for fall." lol Sorry to get so silly. This is my favorite season and I'm glad to see it coming.

1. At Gayle's Preschool Rainbow you'll find cooking ideas, songs, poems, and crafts ideas. She also has links for Halloween and Thanksgiving.

2. Tooter 4 Kids has fingerplays, ideas for leaf rubbings, collage ideas, a flannel board story, and more.

3. First School provides themes such as candy corn, acorns, sunflowers, farming, dinosaurs, pumpkins, and scarecrows.

4. Shirley's Preschool has fall craft ideas, rhymes, activities, and recipes.

Well, that's all the links for today. It seems there are enough activities at these sites to keep you busy for at least a month. Enjoy!