Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2010

Studying Word Families

Learning word families is a great way for kids to learn how to read. Each week at school, we study a new word family. Here are some of the activities we use to help learn the words.

1. Magnet Board - Each week we practice making words using the magnet board. First we put our current family ending at the top and then we put different consonants and consonant blends in front of the word family. Sometimes we make nonsense words too. As you can see, this week our word family is -it.

2. Printable Booklets - Hubbards Cupboard has free printable booklets that you can print out to read with each word family. This week we are reading Fishing because it focuses on the -it word family.

3. Online Activities-

Word Family Games allows you to click and drag the words to the correct word family. This activity is a bit more difficult than the other activities because the student is sorting word families into different categories. This game would work well for small group or whole class lessons. Small groups could sit around the computer and work together while taking turns. For large groups, you could post this on the Active Board.

Starfall has making word activities. For example: The student is given a picture, such as a can, and he has to click and drag the beginning consonant "c" to the word family -an. After entering the Starfall website, click on Learn to Read. Starfall also has lots of other reading activities.

4. Word Wheels - Scholastic has a book of printable word wheels. I copy and color them and then laminate them for durability. (Upon searching tonight, I found a free printable for a word wheel, but it appears that it is just a sample.)

Free printable word wheels: Wordway also has many word wheels/strips but these do not have pictures with the words. There are over 100 pages so you will need to scroll through and print out only the ones you need. Other sources include Super Teacher Worksheets and Enchanted Learning.

5. Other books - The top two books shown in the picture are part of a literacy kit that we have at the school, but there are other places to find books. The pink books shown in the picture came from a yard sale. I got a small stack of them for 25 cents. Check your local library or do some web surfing for books. You can also work with your child to make your own books. Start with a list of words from your word family to help you brainstorm.

6. Worksheets - Inbetween all of the other activities we reinforce the skills with these worksheets from Wordway. We do not do all of the worksheets on the website. I pick 4-5 of them for each week. Some of these include putting the correct word into the sentence, choosing the correct word for the picture, etc.

(I have found Wordway difficult to navigate so here is how I find the sheets: Go to the Wordway website, scroll past the other website links and offer to purchase, click on the letter for the word family you're looking for. For the word family -it, you would click on "I". Then scroll through the list of word families and click on the one you like.)

7. Spelling words - Each week we have a list of spelling words to go along with our word family and there is homework to reinforce these words. Since our word family this week is -it some of our words are bit, fit, sit, mit, hit, kit, etc. In our spelling list, I also include two sight words that we are studying.

8.  File folder games - Recently I was excited to find the website File Folder Fun.  On the website, there phonics word family games called Shamrock Phonics and Space Rhymes. You can print the games in color or black and white.  If you need different word families than the ones shown, you can simply white out the words and make your own.  

I know this is only a few of the ways to teach word families. What are some effective ways that you have found?

Other sources:
Scholastic rhyming words worksheet 1
Rhyming words sheet 2
Rhyming words sheet 3


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Activity Village

Just found another great site, Activity Village. Activity Village has coloring pages, home school resources, educational resources, kids crafts, puzzles, printables, Sudoku for kids, recipes, and so much more. There are over 3000 pages of activities to help you keep your kids busy.

One of the things I found at Activity Village is their printable handwriting and story paper. I have to tell you, story paper isn't easy to find. You'll probably have to go to a teacher store to get it and then do you really want to pay their prices? It's probably easier and cheaper to just print out the few pages you'll need.

Hope you enjoy this site!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Match it! Rhyming Game

My daughter is in kindergarten and although she is very intelligent, she seems to struggle with rhyming words. While I at Marshall's this weekend, I found a matching game for rhyming words by The Learning Journey. At Marshall's the game was a great price at just $4.99! I got it for her and tonight we played the game together. Hopefully this will help her with the concept of rhyming words.

This game can also be purchased at The Learning Journey website. Unfortunately though, you'll pay a lot more for it at $10.99. Still, it's a great game.

image from The Learning Journey website


Monday, September 29, 2008

Letter A Activities

First School - color posters, coloring pages, activity worksheets, handwriting practice tracers in D'Nealian modern manuscript and standard block manuscript, lesson plans, and much, much, more!

DLTK - apple paper craft, coloring pages, mini book, songs, rhymes, games, puzzles, tracer sheets, templates

Enchanted Learning - alphabet theme pages, printable worksheets, activities

Primary Games - Look at the book A to Z by Susan Beasley.

Preschool by Stormie - recipes, activities, themes

Do you have any "A" activities to share?


Friday, July 18, 2008

Preschool Supply List - Sample

This is a copy of the supply list I had when teaching full-day preschool.

folding nap mat
small pillow and blanket
change of clothes
baby wipes or antibacterial wipes
2-3 rolls of paper towels
gallon or pint size easy zip storage bags
durable folder for taking home papers
Crayola markers - classic and assorted
Crayola colored pencils
Scotch or Elmer's glue sticks
hand sanitizer (8 oz or larger)

For glue sticks, colored pencils, and markers I ask that you buy the name brands specified. Through experience we have learned that the other brands do not work as well and that the children become very frustrated that their supplies do not work properly. Please do not buy Dollar Tree brand school supplies.

****This list was done five years ago. Back in those days (grin), the RoseArt and Dollar Tree brands did not work well and did not hold up like the Crayola. This may have changed since then.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Social and Emotional Development

More stuff from my basement. :)

The Three Year Old - A Year of Beginnings

  • more extended child to child interaction and cooperative play
  • friendships, but friends are often whoever the child is playing with right now
  • "You're not my friend anymore" is a common phrase.
  • taking turns and sharing, but still pretty "me, me, me" oriented
  • humor - They love the ridiculous, slap stick, silly language, and wild silly games.
  • feels sympathetic to other children
  • "imaginary companions" may appear
  • feelings of independence and pride emerge
  • common fears are loud noises, the dark, animals
  • loves to help
  • the 3 1/2 year old may exhibit a rebellious, testing attitude

The Four Year Old - An Exuberant Year

  • mostly cooperative play, little solitary play
  • joins most group activities willingly
  • outgoing and boastful; will tattle, but is generally polite and cooperative
  • sharing is easier, learning to negotiate and to compromise
  • exuberance, bordering on wildness requires adults to set limits
  • can be aggressive, lots of superhero worship and interest in violence
  • extreme with emotions, either loves or hates things
  • impatient and jealous, likes to be center of attention
  • silly and playful, experimenting with swear and bathroom words
  • anxious to tell family tales and new adventures outside home
  • takes pride in accomplishments

The Five Year Old - The Composed, "Together" Year

  • calm, serene, wants to be "good", to do what is expected by adults
  • develops strong friendships, and will defend friends is they are in trouble
  • like familiar things and repeating same activity
  • has good judgement about what can and can't do, eager to accept responsibility
  • "lying" is common, will take things that belong to others
  • accepts punishment, but soon forgets
  • likes humor a lot, and will share it with adults' makes up nonsense language
  • has active curiosity about babies; increasingly aware of sexual differences
  • able to follow through on projects that take more than a day
  • the 5 1/2 year old may become brash, disobedient, overdemanding


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Character Qualities

Every now and then you teach kids that seem to get on your last nerve. It helped me to have this list of character qualities to remind me of the good qualities in each child. These are also character traits to model and teach your child.



Kindergarten Report

A few days ago I gave you a progress report for 3 and 4 year olds. Today I found a kindergarten report. My basement is full of all kinds of treasures. :)

Check plus = Commendable - The student has exceeded the expectations for him or her individually or for the group.
Check = Performing Successfully - The student has attained the performance level for his or her group or for the child individually.
Check minus = Experiencing Difficulty - The student has not reached the performance level for his or her group or for the child individually.

_____ Has positive attitude toward self
_____ Considers the feelings of others
_____ Interacts well with peers
_____ Monitors and controls own behavior
_____ Exhibits appropriate listening skills
_____ Attempts to solve own problems
_____ Accepts responsibility for personal possessions

_____ Speaks so that he/she is understood
_____ Uses age appropriate vocabulary
_____ Listens and responds appropriately to language
_____ Verbalizes own thoughts and ideas in a group

_____ Controls pencil well
_____ Manages scissors and pasting comfortably

_____ Enjoys books, stories, records, listening tapes
_____ Knows letters covered to date
_____ Name
_____ Formation
_____ Sound
_____ Can retell a story
_____ Understands story content
_____ Can predict outcomes
_____ Blends sounds comfortably
_____ Attacks new words independently

_____ Associates a number symbol with number name
_____ Recognizes and continues patterns
_____ Applies knowledge of numbers to daily activities
_____ Forms numerals correctly
_____ Responds to oral math activities
_____ Understands basic coin values
_____ Can join sets
_____ Can separate sets
_____ Compares objects as to length, size, shape, quantity
_____ Understands counting order
_____ Understands basic shapes

_____ Exhibits interest in learning
_____ Values own work
_____ Exhibits age appropriate attention span
_____ Listens to and follows individual directions
_____ Listens to and follows group directions
_____ Works independently
_____ Thinks independently
_____ Uses time wisely
_____ Seeks help when needed

_____ French _____ Music _____ Physical Education


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Preschool Progress Report: 4 and 5 Year Olds

As I am packing to move, I continue to come across things that I think you all would like to see. This week I found a preschool progress report for four and five year olds. Please remember that this is a guide and that your child does not need to master all of these goals. These are things to look for and strive towards.

Evaluation Key: This progress report is designed for four and five year old preschool children.

G = Good Progress
W = Working on Skill
NA = Not Applicable

Self-Reliance Skills
I go to the bathroom alone.
I am learning to dress myself.
I can brush my teeth.

Practical Skills
I can say my first and last names.
I know how old I am.
I know some colors.
I can recognize/point to body parts.

Social/Emotional Skills
I accept and respond to my teacher's authority.
I respect and show concern for people and things around me.
I play and share cooperatively with other children.
I have a good self-image.
I have appropriate control over my feelings.

I follow routines independently.
I can follow direction.
I can work well in small groups.
I am learning not to disturb classmates while they work.
I seek only my share of teacher's attention.

Listening Skills
I listen quietly; my attention span is lengthening.
I respond to a story by answering questions.

Speaking Skills
I speak clearly.
I communicate in sentences.
I can answer some questions.
I am expanding my vocabulary.
I wait my turn when speaking in a group.

Fine Motor Skills
I use my small muscles in:
Holding, using my crayons
Holding, using my pencils
Holding, using my scissors
Easel/watercolor painting
Simple puzzle assembly
Stringing beads
Manipulating small pieces
Manipulating zippers
Manipulating buttons
Manipulating snaps
Tying my shoes

Gross Motor Skills
Walk up/down stairs (alternating my feet)
Walk (forward, backward)
Jump in place (two feet together)
Balance (left foot, right foot)
Hop (one foot, two feet)
Throw a large ball forward
Kick a large ball forward
Catch a large ball
Bounce a large ball
Do a forward somersault
Take part in games

Reading Readiness
I can say the alphabet (rote memory).
Lower case alphabet: Identify some letter names
Produce some letter sounds
Upper case alphabet: Identify some letter names
Produce some letter sounds
I can print my first name.
I can recognize eight colors.
I can identify human feelings (sad, happy).
I can identify likenesses/differences.
I know some opposite words (hot/cold).
I know some position orientation words (top/bottom).

Math Readiness
I can rote count to ________.
Recognize some numbers
Name some numbers
Recognize some shapes
I can find shapes in my environment.
I can identiy size difference (big, little).
I can sequence different sizes (small, smaller, smallest).
I can categorize objects (shape, color, size, texture).

Music-Art-Science-Social Studies Readiness Skills
I participate in music activities.
I participate in art activities.
I participate in science activities.
I participate in social studies activities.

Start of year
End of year
Start of year
End of year


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Free Clip Art

I found a cool website today that has some great clip art. Best of all, it's free! Yay! I love free stuff. All you have to do is credit their site. Another thing I really like about their clip art is that you can change the color of the background. Just click on the clip art that you like and it will give you color options. The site is Christ Art. Have fun!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Free Stuff at Discovery Learning

I stumbled across Discovery Learning today and found puzzles, lesson plans, clip art, curriculum ideas, and so much more. My favorites were the lesson plans and clip art. Isn't the little girl raking the leaves cute?


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Deal Alert

I stopped by Target yesterday and found all sorts of neat goodies in their dollar section. I bought letter, phonics, and first words flashcards, 4 laminated placemat sized learning aids (addition, subtraction, print alphabet, and cursive alphabet) that come with a dry erase marker/eraser so that the child can write directly on the poster, an alphabet puzzle for ages 2 and up, a workbook for numbers 1-12, an phonics review workbook, and a little journal for little children. Each item was a dollar, and they had many more educational items.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Letter Y crafts and activities

clip art courtesy of

On to the letter Y!

  • From my new favorite site, Brightly Beaming Resources, comes the Letter of the Week segment for the Letter Y. Their site includes great ideas relating Y to Language Arts, Music, Snacks, Bible Story/Character Trait, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art Projects, Sport and Games, and a Field Trip. (I had to laugh when I saw their link to this Internet yodel course! I particularly liked the disclaimer: "I take no responsibility for the consequences of yodeling in social situations. This includes: lawsuits, strange looks, uproarious laughing, traffic accidents, major moves up or down in the stock market, divorces or loss of employment. However, I do accept full responsibility for the smiles and laughter the practice of yodeling might elicit. - Norm, 1996"
  • offers printable Letter Y stories, coloring pages, and a Letter Y word with pictures puzzle book, and more.
  • Preschool has Y Arts and Crafts (featuring yarn, yellow, and yo-yo's), Music and Songs about yaks, and Snacks (yams and yogosicles - popsicles made with yogurt).
  • At Preschool by Stormie, you will learn how to make yogurt fingerpaint, something your child will surely love.
As always, the following sites offer excellent alphabet activity resources:


Monday, June 4, 2007

Letter X crafts and activities

clip art courtesy of

We are nearing the end of the alphabet, but since I started in the middle, we are actually only about halfway through this series. *smile*

The letter X is, to me, one of the more difficult letters in our alphabet. I mean, what X letters can you think of other than xylophone, x-ray, and xenophobia? (I bet I caught your attention with that last word, didn't I?)

As usual, you can find wonderful "X" resources over at First School, Apples4theTeacher, Preschool Express by Jean Warren, and DLTK's Growing Together. Here are a few sites that are new to me and offered several X activities and ideas.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Letter W crafts and activities

Today, we make our way on to the letter W.

Here are some good W words:

clipart courtesy of


Monday, April 9, 2007

Letter V crafts and activities

Boy, it seems like forever since I have posted about the alphabet! Today we are focusing on the Letter V.

The first word that comes into my mind when I think of V is violin. also thinks violin is a great V word. They offer a Violin Theme page as well as ideas for Vulture, Volcano, Valentine, and more. Try their Vegetable Basket craft, Letter V Activity worksheet and Printable Materials, and Letter V Mini Book.

Another V word is vegetable. At Preschool Express by Jean Warren, the "V" Activities page includes instructions for a Vegetable Guess game, a Vegetable Poster craft, V Snacks (raw vegetables, vanilla ice cream, and more), the original "Don't Forget Your Vegetables" song, and many other activities to help you teach the letter V.

Here are some other sites that offer free resources for teaching the letter V.

clip art courtesy of


Friday, March 9, 2007

Nursery rhymes

My girls received a video of Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. Some rhymes are simply animated while others are both animated and set to music. All three girls love that video!

After seeing their enjoyment, I realized that I had neglected to teach them the nursery rhymes I took for granted: "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep"; "Old Mother Hubbard"; "Old King Cole"; "Jack and Jill"; "Rock-a-Bye, Baby"; "Little Boy Blue"; and many others recall fond memories of my childhood.

Nursery rhymes are great tools for teaching a young child basic facts such as counting, ABC's, body parts, and vocabulary. The use of rhyme and rhythm aids memorization. If you can't recall or just never learned the classic nursery rhymes, I can show you where to go for help.

What are some of your child's favorite rhymes?

clip art of Humpty Dumpty courtesy of


Thursday, March 1, 2007

Head to Play Library for resources and ideas

I thought I would share another great resource with you guys. Play Library offers product reviews, game and activity ideas, links to valuable resources, and more. It was at Play Library that I first learned about Toy Story 3, which is due to be released in 2009. Hurrah! We love Buzz and Woody! Another post I enjoyed was Playground Games We Love, wherein is listed eight games that have stood the test of time. Follow the links for instructions for playing the games.

Play Library logo from


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Letter U crafts and activities

For the next letter of the alphabet, there are many fun choices for helping your child learn.

clip art of letter U courtesy of


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Highlighting a neat Mom blog

I just recently found Mom's Niche Blog. I was going to link to a couple of posts that I think are really relevant for this blog, but I REALLY like the whole blog so I decided to devote a whole post to sharing this wonderful place with you.

Mom's Niche Blog is written by a work-at-home mom who also has 3 children. She regularly shares recipes, offers honest reviews of various products, talks about her family and life experiences, and just creates a warm place for moms.

Here are some of my favorite posts:

There is so much more at Mom's Niche Blog. I'm sure that, if you go visit, you'll fall in love with her site, too. I'm adding it to my Blog Roll as soon as I publish this post!