My husband and I made the decision to homeschool before we ever had children. I know that soon I am going to have to choose a curriculum and purchase supplies so I am beginning my research now. In the near future, I intend to write individual posts about the various curriculum options available. Today, I would like to offer help for those who cannot afford to or do not want to purchase new materials.
As for any other product, Ebay is a great place to begin your search; however, they no longer allow the sale of Teacher Editions. They are still a good resource for Student Editions.
For a very thorough listing of relevant sites, visit the Homeschooling Used Curriculum Sites page. They offer links to dozens of sites and offer useful information pertaining to each link.This Little Piggy Stays is an on-line auction house for curriculum. The site was created in response to Ebay's refusal to allow Teacher Edition sales. The site proclaims,
"Teacher editions welcome!! Buy and sell homeschool curriculum at our exciting new auction site! Find used homeschool books at an affordable price from A Beka, Bob Jones, Christian Liberty, Alpha Omega, Saxon, Shurley, Sonlight, Usborne, and much more!"When I visited their home page in preparation for this post, there was a notice stating that until October 15 there is no setup fee for listing your items for sale, and there is no limit on how many items you can sell.
One of my favorites of all the sites I have found is The Book Samaritan. This is a wonderful ministry that provides free books and curriculum to homeschoolers. Here is what they have to say.
"Our ministry began with an admiration for those who homeschool and a recognition that far too many homeschooling families struggle to buy the curriculum and books they need.
The Book Samaritan is a not-for-profit Christian organization that provides free books and curriculum to homeschoolers with financial constraints. We offer a wide variety of well-known homeschooling materials and ship all items free-of-charge.
In return, we ask only that when the recipient is finished, they pass along the material to another homeschooling family for free or return the items to The Book Samaritan for redistribution."
Homeschool Free Stuff offers a free weekly newsletter with free curriculum, resources, and more. According to the information posted, there is absolutely no charge associated with this site.
There are many sources for free or low-cost materials, but I know that they aren't always easy to find. I hope this has been a help to someone. God bless you as you endeavor to do your best in raising your child.
Ebay logo courtesy of
This Little Piggy logo courtesy of This Little Piggy Stays Home
I've been to other homeschooling sites but yours offers the most interesting resources so far. Keep up the good work.
Thank you, Therapy Doc. Those are mighty nice words to hear. (grinning) Thank you very much for coming by and for commenting as well. I appreciate it, and you are welcome any time.
Have any of you thought of using the movies from i've used them and they have worked well so far, they also have some lesson plans if you cant come up with your own.. my kids have enjoyed it.
Hi, anonymous, thanks for stopping by and for the tip as well. I did not know about this site, but I have looked at it, and it looks great. Thank you so much!
We also decided to homeschool before we ever had our child, and never looked back :) Thanks for a great resource page!
I was homeschooled and as I travel a lot and want to have my children travel with me, I think homeschooling is the best option.
The information on homeschooling is also so much better then when I was at school, so I'd recommend it
...And I don't think I turned out so bad!!!
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